The Universal NDC Youth Clause is designed to integrate seamlessly into your country’s NDC. It consists of three key pillars related to appreciation of, collaboration with, and education for children and youth. 

We encourage governments to utilize the Clause in a way that best suits their existing NDC structure, so long as the three pillars are clearly included. To support governments in this process, we have provided a sample Clause, written by youth policy experts at Care About Climate:

Commit to acknowledging, at minimum, the following three sub-clauses to increase child and youth participation, education, and intergenerational collaboration in NDC implementation: 

"We acknowledge that children and young people are not only uniquely vulnerable to climate change, but are also important agents of change and decision-makers who can drive climate action and serve as beneficiaries of those climate action efforts."

"We commit to advocating for the convening of child and youth stakeholders to identify opportunities to integrate their perspectives and those of their communities for collaborative NDC implementation."

"We commit to increasing climate change education, training, and awareness-raising efforts for all children and young people to strengthen their ability to claim their rights to live in harmony with nature and contribute to mitigation and adaptation efforts."

Read the full Sample Clause in English or Portuguese.